
7 in stock

Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom (2nd Edition) Paperback


  • Dr. Basko’s 320-page, 18-chapter dog nutrition book in 8.5″ x 11″ format
  • Tips and strategies for optimizing your dog’s diet at all stages of life
  • Over 100 easy-to-follow recipes that you can recreate at home (and a few you can eat, too!)

See below for more information about Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom.


7 in stock


Learn more about Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom here. You can read an excerpt from the Introduction and part of Chapter 1 here.

Here’s What You’ll Find in Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom:

  • 18 Chapters & 320 pages of helpful tips, suggestions, and guidance
  • Over 100 easy-to-make recipes your pet will love (and you’ll be proud to feed!)
  • Special chapters for geriatric dogs, fighting cancer, skin problems, and natural supplements
  • Canine nutrition theory, so you’ll understand what your dog needs
  • A primer on principles of Eastern food therapy and how to apply them to your dogs
  • A breakdown of the medicinal properties of many fruits & veggies
  • An appendix of info containing templates for green smoothies, summer diets, winter diets, and more
  • Color-coded chapter sections

Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom Chapter List

Chapter 1: The Current State Of Canine Nutrition
Chapter 2: In The Beginning
Chapter 3: Food Wisdom From The Orient
Chapter 4: Getting Started
Chapter 5: Understanding Your Dogs’ Special Needs: Factors To Consider When Formulating Dog Food
Chapter 6: Making Your Own Supplements
Chapter 7: Meals For Puppies, Young Dogs, & Adolescents
Chapter 8: Meals For Adult Dogs (2-8 Years Old)
Chapter 9: Diets For Geriatric Health & Maintenance
Chapter 10: Skin Problems & Allergy Diets
Chapter 11: Cancer Diets: Functional Nutritional Intervention
Chapter 12: Recipes To Support The Functions Of The Liver, Pancreas, & Digestive Organs
Chapter 13: Overweight Dogs & Recipes For Reducing
Chapter 14: Vegetarian Meals
Chapter 15: Quick Meals, Snacks, & Treats
Chapter 16: Diabetic Diets
Chapter 17: Heart Healthy Diets
Chapter 18: Feeding Tips & Last Words

This Book is For You If:

  • You’ve ever questioned the quality of your dog’s commercial diets
  • You want to learn how to prepare simple and balanced, home-cooked meals for your dog
  • You’re interested in learning about the medicinal properties of food, and how to use them to help improve health in a sick pet
  • You’re interested in raw food preparation
  • You’re interested in how to feed an aging, overweight, or allergic dog

Enjoy more years with your beloved friend, by applying the principles found in Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom.


What a gift for dogs is this book!

What a gift for dogs is this book! It tops my list for learning the basics of canine nutrition, providing a host of recipes for home-prepared meals and supplements for dogs of all ages and sizes, and in sickness and in health. Coupling years of clinical experience with plant medicine, macrobiotic philosophy and Eastern medicine, Dr. Basko’s book is an inspiration and wake-up call for veterinarians and all who care for dogs.
– Dr. Michael W. Fox BVetMed, PhD, DSc, MRCVS
Author of the famous book “Not Fit For a Dog!” / Honor Roll Member of the American Veterinary Medical Association

Dr. Basko’s new book is one of the best

Dr. Basko’s new book is one of the best books I have ever read on food therapy for dogs. I highly recommend it. A very high quality printing, it can withstand life in the kitchen.
– Dr. Cindy Lankenau, DVM

It is absolutely wonderful…a very good buy

The book is a text book for the serious veterinarian or dog owner who can use the recipes or the templates for making your own combinations of ingredients. It is absolutely wonderful. It mixes ease with reassurance, with many recipes available for all stages of a dog’s life and health. A very good buy – I’m now more confident consulting on diets, and the client will surely save much more than the price in vet bills.
– Dr. Janell Osborn, DVM

I finally saw in print – in one source – all that I try to convey for my patients and more

I wanted to tell you that I think it is incredible. I was actually moved to tears, and I must say I’m not sure why other than I think I finally saw in print – in one source – all that I try to convey for my patients and more. You have a great way with words, and the breadth of your experience and care is evident in the book. Good energy! Also, before I was able to go through it thoroughly, I sold it in the clinic to the first client I saw! So I’ll soon be ordering another for myself…
– Dr. Shauna Cantwell, DVM, DACVA, CVA CVSMT

Get Started Today!

The knowledge contained in this book is comprised of Dr. Basko’s expertise and experiences in the fields of animal nutrition, ecology, anthropology, evolution, and Traditional Eastern Medicine, collected over the past 40 years! Dr. Basko routinely lectures around the country at different veterinary conferences, where tickets sell for over $500 (not to mention, you need to be a veterinary professional to access the conferences). You can have access to his knowledge and health remedies for a fraction of the cost!

SHIPPING DETAILS: U.S. orders only. Books ship out in 1-3 business days from Kauai, Hawaii. If you need this book ASAP, please email us so we can help expedite your order. If you are outside of the United States, we suggest that you purchase Dr. Basko’s digital version of this book.

Additional information

Weight 2.7 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1 in


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