Dr. Basko has been practicing holistic veterinary medicine for over 35 years!
A leading authority on holistic animal health, Dr. Basko was one of the first to study the effectiveness of acupuncture in animals at UCLA, and is one of the founders of the Veterinary Botanical Medical Association.
He frequently lectures to veterinarians, animal trainers, and animal caretakers on the use of Holistic modalities in Hawaii, North America and Asia, and has published numerous articles, videos, and books on various holistic health care topics.
Basically, he loves learning and is constantly researching, reading, and exploring all kinds of healing modalities to share with his clients and colleagues.
Clients know him as the “easy-going vet, who takes his time with the animals.” And because of his slow and gentle approach, he is often the only vet able to work with extremely sensitive animals (no muzzles or sedatives needed!).
Dr. Basko recognized early on that the best approach to health care was to create an environment that facilitated good energetic health. Thus, his primary care practice on the island of Kauai looks and feels more like a tropical spa than a typical pet hospital, with soft padding for animals to lay on while they receive their treatments, lots of natural sunlight and warmth, and calm music and sounds playing throughout the clinic.
Early Beginnings
Dr. Basko graduated from Michigan State University’s vet med program with a special focus in the fields of internal medicine, cardiology, and bone surgery. His early years in veterinary medicine were spent working in a busy emergency animal hospital in California.
In 1971, he had the wonderful opportunity to participate in the first ever acupuncture study to test the efficacy of holistic modalities on physical ailments in pets (conducted at the University of California, in L.A.).
Since then, Dr. Basko has been devoted to the study and practice of acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, homeopathy, massage, and other alternative therapies for animals.
A Doctor and an Educator
Dr. Basko is also an educator and leading authority on holistic animal health. He is one of the founders of the Veterinary Botanical Medical Association. He frequently lectures to veterinarians, animal trainers, and animal caretakers on the use of Holistic modalities in Hawaii, North America and Asia. Aside from lecturing, he has published many magazine articles, chapters in books and journals, has been a guest on numerous TV and radio shows, and has partnered with supplement company Genesis Resources in the development of an herbal and mineral line of products for pets.
Dr. Basko belongs to the following professional organizations:
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
American Veterinary Medical Association
Veterinary Botanical Medical Association
Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association
I adopted holistic medicine into my veterinary work because it focuses on the true nature of healing – prevention of chronic disease. Holistic treatments have no side-effects, and combine the best of both traditional veterinary care and alternative therapies. – Dr. Basko

Personal Life
Dr. Basko lives on the island of Kauai in Hawaii with his wife, Jane Winter. He enjoys hiking, hunting for medicinal/edible herbs and mushrooms, camping, cooking, gardening, and traveling to conferences and workshops that promote healthy and compassionate living. Also since moving to Hawaii more than 20 years ago, Dr. Basko has found surfing to be a favorite pastime as the ocean is a great source of healing for the mind, body, and soul.
Dr. Basko is lovingly owned by Garbanzo, Wally, and Marty, his orange cats. Sweet Makana, his beloved cattle dog mix and model in many of his pictures, enjoyed a full and happy life with lots of fresh food, and now lives on in spirit. She was 19 years old. Shiba Inu/Terrier mix Hina, a feisty rescue, joined Dr. Basko’s family in 2013.
Holistic veterinarians graduate from accredited veterinary schools with training in science, and modern conventional therapies. They know how to diagnose, read x-rays, evaluate blood tests, and determine what kind of ailments are plaguing your pet. Many have sought extra training in surgery, nutrition, and oncology.
Holistic veterinarians then complement their traditional veterinary expertise by studying modalities of:
Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and acupuncture theory
Nutrition therapy, and herbal medicine
Animal chiropractics, hydrotherapy, and physical therapy
Homeopathy, energy healing, and light therapy
Dr. Basko hosts the “Pets and People in Paradise” radio show on KKCR, Kauai’s community radio station, on alternating Saturday mornings from 9 am to 10 am, Hawaii Standard Time. Tune in to learn more about herbal medicine for your pets, facts on Hawaiian healing plants, diet and nutrition advice, and have your questions answered for free on air! Dr. Basko’s show streams live online via www.KKCR.org so you can listen in no matter where you are. Not able to stream? Recent episodes of Dr. Basko’s show are archived and can be accessed here.
Dr Basko’s Fresh Food & Ancient Wisdom book is available in both print and digital formats.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the benefits of feeding dogs fresh food.
Feeding Cats: A Holistic Approach, Dr. Basko’s digital booklet of cat recipes, can help you feed your cat holistically.
Dr. Basko’s 3+ hour narrated PowerPoint lecture, adapted from one of his workshop presentations,
will give you the tools and information you need to enjoy many more happy years together with your aging pets.
Use coupon code silver-30 at checkout to get 30% off!
Aloha Dr Basko, we want to express our gratitude for Indigo’s amazing transformation and my own as well. It took 16 weeks for Indigo to reach her goal of 10 pound weight loss. We followed your protocol to the letter. She is so strong and lively. She is playful, engaging, energetic and so much more comfortable in her body. And she has a healthy dependable potty schedule. And has stamina on her walks. The weakness in her back and rear legs is transformed. She can jump up and stand on her back legs, which she could not do before, and she has this beautiful bouncy prance on her walks. In support I also did the cold water treatment in the morning and the intermittent fasting!!! LOLOL cleaned up my diet as well. If I thought to have a treat for myself I had to hide from her, which she knew!! So I didn’t do that much. I cook for myself and my roommate and when she would ask what’s for dinner I would say dog food, want some??? Always a resounding YES! I want to say thank you for your support and communication during this process. Mahalo and blessings.
Jake, our beloved Golden Retriever, was beginning to have Hypoglycemic seizures, as well as problems with his hips. The Western treatment was to put him on Prednisone that had him going downhill within the week that is was prescribed. Thankfully, Dr. Basko provided his acupuncture treatments, herbal recommendations and recipes. Jake was given a “second wind” and quality of life until it was time to let him go.
Dr. Basko has also treated our Lab, Tasha, with acupuncture when she injured her back playing ball. He has cured her incontinence with prescribed herbs and dried yams that are cooked in her food.
Thank you, Dr. Basko for your devotion and support to “all creatures great and small.”
We met Dr. Basko about 12 years ago. Our golden retriever Kula had an autoimmune disease and Dr. Basko was able to wean him off the ridiculous amounts of prednisone he was on and get him to an optimum level of health with herbs and diet. Upon his suggestion, we started feeding Kula a special diet of cooked foods prepared for his explicit dietary needs. What an amazing difference in Kula. All of his skin issues immediately went away and he regulated his weight to become very lean and fit. Vet visits every month became non-existent and instead Kula only sees our Oahu vet for his regular scheduled check-ups.
In the past year, Kula at the age of 12 began to have arthritis issues in his hips. Dr. B gave us some natural recommendations and as a result, Kula is like a new dog. When friends and family come over, they cannot believe Kula is the same dog. Through Dr. Basko’s vast knowledge of: veterinary medicine, Chinese acupuncture and medicine, herbs, energy healing systems and nutrition, Kula is the healthiest he has ever been in his entire 13 ½ years.
For Kula’s last appointment, his blood test results were faultlessly stellar. Kula hit all of his markers perfectly and has never been emotionally and physically healthier.
What truly makes Dr. Basko stand out from his contemporaries is that he is the most compassionate, loving person you could ever meet. His authentic love and passion for his work and compassion for his clients and their animals goes beyond the call of duty.
When our 12 ½ year old German Shepherd Misha was transitioning, Dr. Basko came over after his long day of appointments and euthanized her. It was the most heart- wrenching day of our lives, but because of Dr. B. we were able to send Misha off to her next adventure in the comfort of her home with her family around her. We will never ever be able to thank Dr. Basko enough for the being available to help us in our time of need and the day of Misha’s passing will always be remembered as a beautiful one instead of one of great loss and misery.
Dr Basko did wonders for my dog, Kapuni, and greatly improved his quality of life for the last two and a half years that he was with me.
My Sheltie, Kapuni, had major surgery for a growth on his pancreas and intestine. After the surgery, he was unable to keep any of the very expensive brands of special dog food down and was becoming weaker. The vet believed he was dying. I did some internet research and discovered Dr Basko on Kauai. I faxed him Kapuni’s medical and lab results and we set up an appointment for the next time he would be on Oahu. He suggested that I give Kapuni home cooked food to see if he would be able to keep that down. Not only could he keep it down, but he absolutely LOVED it. (My younger Sheltie has been on home cooked food for the past 5 years and seems much younger than her 8 years. Her coat is so healthy and shiny that everyone comments on it. Thanks to Dr B and his dog food recipes I will NEVER feed my dog anything but home prepared food ever again).
Kapuni also had arthritis and had a difficult time manipulating the stairs in my townhouse or doing his daily walk. He had to be carried up and down the stairs. Dr. Basko suggested acupuncture and some of his specially formulated supplements. After the first session, he was able to walk around the block AND go up and down the stairs all by himself! It was amazing! After that, Kapuni had acupuncture every month and he absolutely loved it! He could hardly wait to get out of the car for his monthly sessions of acupuncture and massage. He loved the attention and I’m sure he knew it made him feel better.
Eventually, I had to move to the Mainland with Kapuni and was out of Dr Basko’s travel range. Kapuni died at the age of 13, and I miss him very much, but thanks to Dr Basko, I had him for another few years and last years of his life were healthier, and happier – and more pain free. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can hardly wait for the new pet food cookbook to come out!
We adopted Lono from the Kauai Humane Society at age 7 months and he was a joy from the start, but he also had a reoccurring skin condition that we couldn’t get a handle on. He would suddenly get red and have pustules that he would scratch and would develop a secondary infection. By the time we had him for 4 months, he was put on his 3rd round of antibiotics and steroids. He was put on a prescription dry dog food for allergies, which he refused to eat and we were really worried. We took him to Dr. Basko, who prescribed healthy home cooked food, a few supplements and gave us some Genesis Skin Lotion to make him more comfortable. Within a few weeks, his skin condition cleared up. Lono has never needed antibiotics or steroids again and is a happy, healthy 20-month-old dog. Thanks so much Dr. Basko!
I met Dr. Basko when I was looking for help with my Rottweiler and his massive and aggressive lipoma that had invaded his chest cavity and was threatening his life. I had tried all that western medicine had to offer. Drugs, surgeries, more drugs and more surgeries. After years of fighting this battle with the lipoma I was told there was nothing else to do. I didn’t believe this and was graced with the chance meeting of Dr. Basko. When I finally meet him I was so eager to have him see my Rottweiler I set up and appointment immediately. Dr. Basko was able to do what no one before him was able to do. He stopped the progression of the growth of the lipoma. Even better yet he was able to shrink the lipoma!
Over the years my association with Dr. Basko has deepened and grown. I have referred many a dog owner to Dr. Basko and seen wonderful results. I have seen a large golden retriever dodge the surgical knife for patella luxation in both knees. Through Dr. Basko’s acupuncture and massage treatments, his developing a proper diet and exercise program for this dog, and prescribing the proper supplements, this dog did not have to undergo 2 painful surgeries.
I have witnessed Dr. Basko bring comfort, relief and quality of life back to senior dogs and cats that would otherwise have spent their last months or years drugged up or put to sleep before their time. Countless dogs with severe allergies, epileptic seizures, and my list goes on.
It is not just Dr. Basko’s mechanical techniques of using acupuncture and massage or the intellectual knowledge of which supplement and herb to use or how to formulate a diet for the particular condition that sets him apart from the rest. It is his knowing how to do all of these things combined with his ability to connect with his animal clients on a spiritual level.
He has my deepest admiration and respect as a healer.
Mocha, a pure breed AKC Chocolate Lab was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer after we discovered some lumps on her. When we first went to our vet in Kailua, we were so hoping her original test results for the lumps would not be what they turned out to be. We went the route of conventional treatment in hopes it would stop, reverse, or deter the cancer. Unfortunately it did not, so my wife Juanilla flew to Kauai to consult with Dr. Basko, who she had researched.
Our decision was to have Dr. Basko treat Mocha as well and with his suggestion, we even had another vet work with Mocha for additional acupuncture. All the vets were wonderful and Mocha was always the trouper as her toe nails clippedy-clipped across the office tiles like a tap dancer, when she had to have any sort of treatment. As heart-wrenching as it is to go through this as an animal’s care giver, imagine the being the animal! Mocha had good and bad days as Dr. Basko suggested may occur, and she seemed to be doing well with treatment.
Dr. Basko’s suggestion to allow Mocha to live her life normally and allow her to do her favorite things, like go to the beach and swim, was what kept her going. More than once it seemed she might leave us, yet she managed to hold on just a little longer, most likely for our sakes instead of herself. At one point (when driving her to the beach on what seemed to be our last time spent together) she placed her paw on my hand as if to console me and say it was all going to be all right, and I should not be sad or worry about her. She did not pass that day, however she finally did so at home on her own terms, when none of us were around her.
I cannot recommend Dr. Basko and his methods of treating animals enough, as well as his recipes for cooking for them. We cooked for Mocha, and she loved to eat the home cooked meals so much! We know Mocha enjoyed Dr. Basko and most certainly appreciated all he did for her.
Mahalo for all you do in helping animals in need, Dr. B!